Template Reuse

You can use a template multiple times.

Here's one way to loop, in PHP
A second way is in the template itself

# require the templating library 
require '../source/ViewFish.php'; 

# first, you instantiate a ViewFish object
$T = new ViewFish\viewfish();

# set the template path

$members = [
    ['firstname'=>'steve', 'lastname'=>'howe', 'instrument'=>'guitar'],
    ['firstname'=>'jon', 'lastname'=>'anderson', 'instrument'=>'vocals'],
    ['firstname'=>'rick', 'lastname'=>'wakeman', 'instrument'=>'keyboards'],
    ['firstname'=>'bill', 'lastname'=>'bruford', 'instrument'=>'drums'],
    ['firstname'=>'chris', 'lastname'=>'squire', 'instrument'=>'bass'],

# here's one way to loop through, in PHP
$template2     = $T->load_template("demo2-1.tmpl");
echo "Here's one way to loop, in PHP<ul>";
$bandlist = '';
foreach($members as $member) {
    $bandlist .= $T->render($template2,$member); 
echo $bandlist; 
echo "</ul>\n\n";

echo "<hr>";

# here's another way, in a template
echo "A second way is in the template itself";
$template2     = $T->load_template("demo2-2.tmpl");
$args['members'] = $members; 
echo $T->render($template2,$args); 
<li>{{firstname|ucwords}} {{lastname|ucwords}} plays {{instrument}}.</li>
{{@loop data=members}}
<li>{{firstname|ucwords}} {{lastname|ucwords}} plays {{instrument}}.</li>